The Black Cauldron (1985)
Centuries ago, in the land of Prydain, a young man named Taran is given the task of protecting Hen Wen, a magical oracular pig, who knows the location of the mystical black cauldron. This is not an easy task, for The Evil Horned King will stop at nothing to get the cauldron.
This website is such a valuable archival resource, thank you so much for everything you and your contributors do!
I’m going to use these screenshots for collages.
Always use your screenshots as part of my watch-through of all the Disney animated features ( Where did you get the HD images?
To be completely honest – I don’t quite remember! I capped it over 4 years ago…I thought I’d capped it off a normal DVD, but maybe it was of an HD copy sent in by a site visitor…I’m not sure. Sorry! :)
Oh my goodness, these are beautiful quality!