Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated fantasy-adventure film based on William Joyce’s The Guardians of Childhood book series and The Man in the Moon short film by Joyce and Reel FX. Peter Ramsey directed the film, while Joyce and Guillermo del Toro were executive producers. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures, it was released on November 21, 2012.
Set about 200 years after the book series, the film tells a story about the Guardians (North or Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Bunnymund or the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman), who enlist Jack Frost to stop Pitch Black from engulfing the world in darkness. It features the voices of Chris Pine (Jack Frost), Alec Baldwin (Santa Claus), Hugh Jackman (The Easter Bunny), Isla Fisher (The Tooth Fairy) and Jude Law (Pitch). The film was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
If you like and use our caps, please consider leaving a comment below - we'd love to see what you made with them! :)

hey,i am new on this chat. name is reanna hood guardian fan
Uh… This is not a chat.
rotg is my favorite u 2 ? not to be mean but poeple love jack .
Thanks so much for these! I’d love to make my own photo manipulations of them. :’)
Please do httyd 2 hd screencaps
I’ve found this website as helpful as any other, but the problem is that I can’t see or download any of the pictures and I don’t know why it can be for… Did it happen to someone before?? If yes, please, tell me how you solved it.
It’s really, really important, I don’t know if it’s my computer that can’t download or that the sizes are not compatible, or if there’s any technical problem with this website. So any kind of help will be really welcome.
Thank you ^^)
I love Jack Frost!!!
I’m a fan of RotG, and I like to use them for Fan Art
These caps are perfect for crossovers…Jackunzel :3
My friend needs your help! Actually, this message is directed to anyone who reads this review. My friend’s an animation student and a big ROTG fan, who draws lovely art for the fandom. His dream is to become an animator. He’s been working towards this dream for several years now. Now, he and his peers have participated in BFX (a filmmaking contest in England), where he and his peers created a wonderful animated short film. Now, the film is up on Youtube, and my friend needs your help: we need you to like the video! Each “like”: the video gets on Youtube is considered a vote, and if my friend’s film gets enough “likes” it will win the contest. If my friend’s film wins the contest, it will give him and his peers the boost they need to get into the film making industry. Winning this contest would be a big break for my friend and his peers; an opportunity we are not sure will come again.
My friend’s short film is here:
And to prove this story is legit, here is my friend’s blog post about the contest (you can also see some of his ROTG art on this blog, too):
PLEASE HELP A FELLOW ROTG FAN’S DREAM COME TRUE!!!! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD; THERE ARE ONLY HOURS LEFT BEFORE VOTING ENDS!!! I know that if we all rally together, we can make this happen! Please, take a moment to help; we need all the “LIKES” we can get!
THIS IS NOT A SCAM. I repeat, this is NOT a scam. My friend Lucas is a real person, who has a REAL CAREER AT STAKE. I am writing this review on all of my favorite Author’s stories (and some I just recently found and liked, as well), to try to get the word out. Please tell everyone you can about this, and remember to “LIKE” the video on Youtube! Thank you in advance for your help!
I can spin it to where Jack frost is the boyfriend to a girl named Pearl Lucy Rhapsody. It works so darn well. it’s perfect.
http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2013/126/b/3/jackunzel_by_thetruffulacupcake-d64cl95.png :) AT least I tried
thank God you exist. thanks for the hq screen captures.
Oh Rise of the Guardians! *fangirl squeal* Thanks so much for these! I really love photo manipulating with them and making videos with them too. :) Your pics and your whole site rocks!
I’ve been looking for a rotg screencaps gallery and I finally found a good one! Thanks so much! I’ll be making gifs and graphics and photo edits with these.
Thank you for these! I love making edits with them!
love these thank you <3
Jack Frost is the hottest Dreamworks animated character ever than other Dreamworks characters :)
i think so too. i liked him 3 years ago!
I love ROTG and i have a jack forst page on facebook and i needed to do an album woth photo’s in your a life saver
Love this film. Jack oh my heart. Could you maybe do Hotel Transylvania next please?
OMG yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at that amazing HD! <3
JACK FROST!!! asdfghjkl
Yeah~! Finally , thank you so much :D
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I've been waiting for them since I saw the movie in December.
YES! YES! Finallyyyy :D I’ve been waiting for those! Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuu!
*fangirl scream* JACK FROST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D OMG OMG OMG *runs around happily*