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Hercules (1997)

Hercules, son of the Greek God, Zeus, is turned into a half-god, half-mortal by evil Hades, God of the Underworld, who plans to overthrow Zeus. Hercules is raised on Earth and retains his god-like strength, but when he discovers his immortal heritage Zeus tells him that to return to Mount Olympus he must become a true hero. Hercules becomes a famous hero with the help of his friend Pegasus and his personal trainer, Phil the satyr. Hercules battles monsters, Hades and the Titans, but it is his self-sacrifice to rescue his love Meg which makes him a true hero.

Edit: Updated with 1080p BluRay caps!

If you like and use our caps, please consider leaving a comment below - we'd love to see what you made with them! :)

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  1. 2

    I LOVE your website!! I use it for every one of my edits on @walts.dreams and @day_in_disney on Instagram. you truly make a wonderful contribution to the disney community and help everyone join together in our love for these movies

  2. 3
    Disney "Would You Rather" | ZSS-ONEBro

    […] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio…http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-194…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-du…http://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extrem…http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emper…http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-20…http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-…http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-…http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1… […]

  3. 6
    Disney “Would You Rather” | videeo

    […] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio-1940/32/http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-1941/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/18/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/20/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/25/http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-duck/images/9607695/title/donald-duck-donalds-ostrich-screencaphttp://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extremely-goofy-movie-2000/8/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emperors-new-groove-2000/17/http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-2013/22/http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-1997/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-king-1994/31/http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1992/10/ […]

  4. 8
    Disney "Would You Rather" - GoYelp

    […] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio-1940/32/http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-1941/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/18/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/20/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/25/http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-duck/images/9607695/title/donald-duck-donalds-ostrich-screencaphttp://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extremely-goofy-movie-2000/8/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emperors-new-groove-2000/17/http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-2013/22/http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-1997/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-king-1994/31/http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1992/10/ […]

  5. 12
    Susana Rodrigues

    HI, I was checking this page, and the second page apparently is not loading, it shows at least for me -DATA ERROR.
    just letting you know.

  6. 15

    Hi! Hercules has been released on Blu-ray in region 2 – will the gallery be updated with screencaps from it? The Blu-ray is a significant jump even from the high-quality caps you posted.

  7. 16

    This is amazing! So helpful! Just got all the reference I could possibly need to make Hercules and Meg costumes. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!

  8. 17

    Hello! I stumbled upon this website when I was desperately searching for a picture of Meg yelling at Hades. You probably can guess how incredibly excited I was to find it and about three other photos I was looking for (from hunchback of notre dame, tarzan, and aladdin). Here is what I ended up making with it: http://tmblr.co/ZXe1PsuLIjTu
    If I get the chance in the near future, I will definitely make a donation. I just wanted to say thank you so very much and keep on keeping on. You are awesome!!! :D

    • 21

      I’m sorry, I have no idea! With 300+ movies online and hundreds of thousands of caps, I honestly don’t know. Maybe another Hercules fan can chime in?

    • 22

      Hi, I think that the image may be from the TV series? I’m not entirely sure, though I do remember that her last boyfriend appears in the TV series. Sorry, that’s all I know about it. :)

  9. 28

    Hi, fan of your work! I know requests aren’t allowed on comments, but it is about this movie so… is there a way you can re-upload these Hercules caps in HQ like the others? Sorry if I seem unreasonable but I’m a HUGE Herc fan and like better quality images, which I have mentioned to a couple of friends. Thanks in advance for any response!

    • 29

      I have a set of better-quality ones here that I will upload within the next week – but keep in mind that as long as Disney doesn’t see fit to release this one on BluRay, the caps will always be crappy compared to most other Disney Classics. :( BluRay DVDs is what get you those huge super-clear caps, so we just have to wait for Disney.

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