Hercules (1997)
Hercules, son of the Greek God, Zeus, is turned into a half-god, half-mortal by evil Hades, God of the Underworld, who plans to overthrow Zeus. Hercules is raised on Earth and retains his god-like strength, but when he discovers his immortal heritage Zeus tells him that to return to Mount Olympus he must become a true hero. Hercules becomes a famous hero with the help of his friend Pegasus and his personal trainer, Phil the satyr. Hercules battles monsters, Hades and the Titans, but it is his self-sacrifice to rescue his love Meg which makes him a true hero.
Edit: Updated with 1080p BluRay caps!
If you like and use our caps, please consider leaving a comment below - we'd love to see what you made with them! :)

THANK YOU for taking time to cap Disney movies!!! I wouldn’t be able to make edits without them
I LOVE your website!! I use it for every one of my edits on @walts.dreams and @day_in_disney on Instagram. you truly make a wonderful contribution to the disney community and help everyone join together in our love for these movies
[…] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio…http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-194…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-whit…http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-du…http://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extrem…http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emper…http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-20…http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-…http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-…http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1… […]
I love this site. Thanks for the great screencaps :) I used them to make gifs of the Muse Thalia: http://300nurseryrhymes.tumblr.com/post/126787727828/thalia-her-lovely-smiles
Thanks for the screencaps. <3
[…] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio-1940/32/http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-1941/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/18/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/20/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/25/http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-duck/images/9607695/title/donald-duck-donalds-ostrich-screencaphttp://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extremely-goofy-movie-2000/8/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emperors-new-groove-2000/17/http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-2013/22/http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-1997/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-king-1994/31/http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1992/10/ […]
Thank you for the screencaps! You make a great work!!! <3
[…] STILLShttp://disneyscreencaps.com/pinocchio-1940/32/http://disneyscreencaps.com/dumbo-1941/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/18/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/20/http://disneyscreencaps.com/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-1937/25/http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/donald-duck/images/9607695/title/donald-duck-donalds-ostrich-screencaphttp://disneyscreencaps.com/an-extremely-goofy-movie-2000/8/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-emperors-new-groove-2000/17/http://disneyscreencaps.com/frozen-2013/22/http://disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-1997/21/http://disneyscreencaps.com/the-lion-king-1994/31/http://disneyscreencaps.com/aladdin-1992/10/ […]
[…] disneyscreencaps.com/hercules-1997/21/ […]
[…] / Via disneyscreencaps.com […]
[…] Walk To Remember, Batman, Black Swan, Clueless, Easy A, Grease, Harry Potter, Hercules, High School Musical, Iron Man, Mean Girls, Mulan, Pirates of The Caribbean, Sherlock […]
HI, I was checking this page, and the second page apparently is not loading, it shows at least for me -DATA ERROR.
just letting you know.
I love your website! I use your screencaps for my Disney edits(:
I’d love it if you checked them out on:
Tumblr- http://disneydarlingedits.tumblr.com/
WeHeartIt- http://weheartit.com/disneydarlingedits
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/disneydarlingedits
Thank you! :]
Min Tvätt!
Hi! Hercules has been released on Blu-ray in region 2 – will the gallery be updated with screencaps from it? The Blu-ray is a significant jump even from the high-quality caps you posted.
This is amazing! So helpful! Just got all the reference I could possibly need to make Hercules and Meg costumes. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!
Hello! I stumbled upon this website when I was desperately searching for a picture of Meg yelling at Hades. You probably can guess how incredibly excited I was to find it and about three other photos I was looking for (from hunchback of notre dame, tarzan, and aladdin). Here is what I ended up making with it: http://tmblr.co/ZXe1PsuLIjTu
If I get the chance in the near future, I will definitely make a donation. I just wanted to say thank you so very much and keep on keeping on. You are awesome!!! :D
Do you know which page has meg singing I won’t say I’m in love? Thanks :)
I love your screencaps and all your work =) these screens are fantastic for me to draw my pieces. THANKS!
I’m looking for the scene this image http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Broken-Bird_1465.jpg comes from, of Meg remembering the previous guy she fell for, but I haven’t got a copy of Hercules to hand. I want to remake the image in higher quality. What page are the screencaps of it on?
I’m sorry, I have no idea! With 300+ movies online and hundreds of thousands of caps, I honestly don’t know. Maybe another Hercules fan can chime in?
Hi, I think that the image may be from the TV series? I’m not entirely sure, though I do remember that her last boyfriend appears in the TV series. Sorry, that’s all I know about it. :)
That cap is probably from page 36, when Hades is talking to Meg about her past.
Image 13 of 97
These screencaps are super great! Thank you so much for uploading them! :)
Brilliant high-resolution screenshots! Many thanks!
Hades! I love him!
Hi, fan of your work! I know requests aren’t allowed on comments, but it is about this movie so… is there a way you can re-upload these Hercules caps in HQ like the others? Sorry if I seem unreasonable but I’m a HUGE Herc fan and like better quality images, which I have mentioned to a couple of friends. Thanks in advance for any response!
I have a set of better-quality ones here that I will upload within the next week – but keep in mind that as long as Disney doesn’t see fit to release this one on BluRay, the caps will always be crappy compared to most other Disney Classics. :( BluRay DVDs is what get you those huge super-clear caps, so we just have to wait for Disney.
No worries. It doesn’t have to be BluRay quality, but like the previous caps before the server crash. Just something I noticed. Thanks again!
Done – updated with better quality caps!